Eating in South-Korea

11/29/2015 Unknown 0 Comments

This time I'm going to talk bit about the eating culture here in South-Korea. It's quite different from Finnish one, but I really like it!

So, in Finland we do not share food when we eat at restaurants, it's considered bit rude right? But here it's completely normal. In most cases the waitress' don't ask you if you want to share: It's a given. Unless you specifically say so, or order for example 2 bibimpab plates they will assume that you will share the food. And I like it, since that way you can order multiple dishes and share them with your friends instead of eating just one dish.

In South-Korea, they give lots of side dishes for you, and it's included in the price. And if you run out of something, for example lettuce, they refill it for you with no charge! And if you go eat samgyeopsal they ask you if you want rice, and once again it's included in the price! A lot fo the dishes also come with a soup, and although the soups are sometimes bit spicy they're really tasty. In Finland this all would cost extra..

Now in South-Korea they do not use fork and knife, except for some places like fried chicken. They use chopsticks! I practised using chopsticks back in Finland with wooden and porcelain ones, but Koreans use metal chopsticks which are really slippery! I've been using them since I got here and I have not mastered the skill yet...I doubt I ever will hahaha.

One of the biggest differences in eating culture between South-Korea and Finland is that in South-Korea you're supposed to wait until the oldest member of the crew starts eating whereas in Finland anyone can start eating first. I do have to admit that I have not remembered this rule as I've been out eating with other exchange students and my buddy group, but I hope I am forgiven for it.

Now about the food? It's really good, everything I have tasted has been very delicious (except that weird seafood pizza but that was good too) although sometimes it's bit too spicy for me as I cannot handle spicy food well. Teokbokki has been the spiciest, I have not been able to try it again after first try because I'm too scared it's too spicy again haha. But I'll miss the food so much once I leave here as there's no way I'll be able to cook anything but maybe kimpab and bibimpab correctly on my own.

And now I'll eat this ready-to-go meal I bought from convenience store, it's tasty too!

See you~!
P.S. Please click the images to see them in better quality!